The saying saying, 民以食為天 mín yǐ shí wéi tiān – 'to the people, food is heaven' - is a good indication that the Chinese are pretty serious about food and eating. Suffice it to say, the Chinese love to eat, and when they are not eating, they are talking about eating, or planning what to eat next.
There are at least three reasons we can contribute to China’s long obsession with food. One, there has been a very long, sustained civilization. In other words, there has been a long time to develop the many food sources. Two, geographical diversity. China is a land of many geographical features, from desert to jungle to fertile river plains. And three, for much of China’s history the people have been threatened with famine. This has resulted in the Chinese being very creative with all food sources. What’s more – even Chinese ideals of beauty can be described with food!
Check out these details highly valued in the local culture!
1) 杏仁眼xìnɡ rén yǎn – almond shaped eyes

2) 樱桃小嘴 yīnɡ táo xiǎo zuǐ, a small cherry-like mouth

3) 瓜子脸 ɡuā zǐ liǎn – sunflower-seed shaped face

4) 鹅蛋脸é dàn liǎn – goose – egg – shaped face

5) 鸭蛋脸 yā dàn liǎn – duck – egg shaped face

6) 指如柔葱 zhǐ rú róu cōnɡ – scallion-like tapering fingers